Monday, July 26, 2010

The Message Is Simple

The past couple of weeks have been particularly difficult for me. I have been on the road and away from the love of my life, training a student driver, since June 10th. At 43 years of age I am homesick! This has left me dry in the blog area. I just have not felt much like being inspiring or uplifting. But, as usual, in the midst of this valley God began to speak to me last night. Actually He has been trying to speak to me all along but I finally opened my ears and listened.

I would just like to share this simple thought. It isn’t unique or original but, as a friend reminded me of recently, it is a pressing or the reset button.

I began to think of just how deliberate God was in creating us. Look at our body’s design. So many of our parts are duplicates. We have 2 hands, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 feet, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, even 2 lungs……….but only 1 mouth. Very interesting to me that we have so many “input devices” that are duplex, but only one “output device” and it would be singular. Why might this be?

Well, to some, the answer might seems simple. We have heard it before. God would like us to work with our hands twice as hard as we speak. He wants us to listen more than we speak. He wants us to stop and smell the roses instead of speaking. He wants us to drink in His Glory looking at His creation and just be silent while doing it.

But, didn’t He command us to go and tell everyone about Him? Why would our most important command only have one tool to perform it with? I think the answer is simple and here is what He showed me. God’s message is singular. And He never intended it to be muddled up in different interpretations. He intended it to be spread as purely as He gave it to us. He wants the same message to be spread all over the land. He only gave us 1 mouth because His message is NOT duplex.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

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