Friday, July 30, 2010

If You Can’t Play With The Big Dogs……..

There was once a time when I had dreams of growing old, retiring, and sitting on the porch with my life-long love. Now it seems that houses aren’t built with porches any more. And those that are go unused. Why have we gotten so busy that we can’t just sit on the porch and watch life happen in the neighborhood?

I spend almost every day of my life traveling down the highways of this great nation. And, since I drive a company owned truck, my speed is limited to a maximum of 62 MPH. There are days I really wish I could go faster. But today I am thankful for being forced to just slow down a little. I need to slow down and enjoy the blessings God has so richly and freely given me more often.

Look all around you. Look at the things you complain about and dread. Cleaning your house, messy kids, lazy co-workers, a flat tire on the way to the grocery store, a snoring spouse, grass that needs to be cut, a noisy neighbor, an imperfect church, etc… Instead of complaining about these things we should be thanking God we have a home, children, a job, a car, money for groceries, a help meet, a lawn, friends, a place to freely worship God, etc…

Life is not always going to be theme parks and cotton candy. Sometimes we have to perform tasks we aren’t thrilled with. Sometimes life is hard. But at the end of the day it is important to just sit back and enjoy the spoils of that life. God tells us that if we don’t work we shouldn’t eat. But even God took a day to rest and enjoy His creation. Why don’t you take a walk with God in His house this Sunday? You just might find a little rest on the porch after a long, hard week of work.

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